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Your source of free naturist fiction stories

Running free, for free since 2006

About Us

Founded by a naturist father who wanted to offer naturist stories for his kids. Now managed by the same father, but also his now adult daugther.

Initially founded as a community site

The goal was to offer a website where multiple naturist authors could share the free stories they wrote.

A few authors did contribute previously written stories: Nemo, with How Kristen Spent her Summer Vacation and the anonymous author of The Stefany Conners Naturist Diaries. Later, The Same Place was published by another author.

Most of the rest of the content was written by the founder of the site.

Actual naturism

The majority of stories with nudism or naturism usually features a lot of sexuality or humilation. Not this site.

  • Characters who end up nude, chose to be nude at some point.
  • No obsene or vulgar sexual content.
  • Stories usually present naturism in a wholesome and positive manner.

The goal is truly to present fiction, for naturists, featuring actually naturist characters. Some light allusions to sexuality, the same kind you can find in so many light romance novel can be present, but nothing explicit.

Blogs, Episodes and Chapters

Categories Long stories have their own category, short are grouped

Years of operation We launched February 2006!

Article views Cached and only updated every few days

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All our stories are available for free, with no login, no registration and no tracking!

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Our Main Series / Stories

Not all series are equal, and some are more popular than others. Many are not completed, but still enjoyable

My life so far

25 articles/episodes

Newest story on the site, co-created by the founder and his now adult daugther. You can find the newest entries at mylifesofar.com. It is a coming of age story of a 12 year girl discovering her family are naturists

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Inconvenient Refugees

3 articles/episodes

Set in the N40 shared universe, a naturist free zone in Costa Rica needs to welcome a least 10 new Berber refugees from Algeria

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Emails to Bob

10 articles/episodes

This is a series of emails by a man to his colleague, Bob, in which he reveals that his wife is a radical naturist. A friend grows between the two families.

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Stefany Conners' Naturist Diary

11 articles/episodes

A blog from 1999 claiming to be the true story of a young woman discovering that her boyfriend is a naturist, and starting to discover the lifestyle. Later revealed to be fiction, and published with permission from the author.

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Mark and Jenny

14 articles/episodes

Yet another story of a teenage boy discovering his teenage dream girl is a naturist. Inspired by the youth of the founder, but far from auto-biographical

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The Same Place

18 articles/episodes

Written by a reader, it is a spin-off from Loxie and Zoot, the nudist comics. Well appreciated by our readers!

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Jacob in College

1 articles/episodes

Jacob realizes that his college is clothing optional and decides to enjoy that right while it lasts! Only one episode so far.

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3 articles/episodes

Story of a naturist man who begins seeing a naturist widow, who lives in a naturist building.

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Susanna's World

7 articles/episodes

In the future, naturism is more popular and a studio executive wants to make a naturist reality show of a textile teacher taking a job as naturist teacher.

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Shared Universes

2 articles/episodes

The idea of shares universes is to create a list of naturist friendly settings that authors can reuse to get inspired.

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Eden's Creek

17 articles/episodes

Eden's Creek is a town that lived thanks to its military base. When it closes, a naturist company settled in and makes the whole town clothing optional, but only offer jobs to naturists (who start to move in)

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20 articles/episodes

Blog Articles about the site, from the founder.

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Naturist Books for Sale

Here are some naturist books you can buy on Amazon.com.

Note: we are not endorsing these books, we are just helping promote other naturist authors.

There is no affiliate code in the Amazon.com links, unless the author supplied one for themselves

The Volunteer

D.H. Jonathan

Many people dream of being at work or school only to realize that they are naked. For university student Danielle Keaton, this dream is about to become her reality. Facing the consequences of a severe lack of judgement, she is forced to make a choice: either give up her scholarships and her plan for graduating from college debt-free, or volunteer to be the test subject in a unique sociological study that will leave her naked and vulnerable to the entire university and eventually the world.

The first book is written in an enforced nudity for a female, but the second book pivots to naturism, on purpose to a reverse the classic Naturism to ENF trope

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The Girl Who Stopped Wearing Clothes

D.H. Jonathan

Dani Keaton, the once reluctant public nudist for Dr. Slater's sociology study on reactions to nudity, has fully embraced her clothes free life. Her television appearances and the book she wrote, The "Volunteer", have brought her a new level of fame and a producer who wants to create a reality TV series out of her life. As shooting on this reality series commences, Dr. Slater has recruited another subject for her public nudity study, one whose reception is quite different from the one Dani got.

Second and final book in the series

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The Tattoo Collector

D.H. Jonathan

A chilling psychological thriller: Donald and Jean are a typical middle class nudist couple. Plagued by disturbing nightmares, Donald dismisses them as fiction. But when he recognizes a local murder victim on the local news as the latest woman he killed in his dreams, he’s thrust into a waking terror...

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Life Models

D.H. Jonathan

David Michaels, a solitary widower, is a returning college student who models nude for art classes part time. He gets more than he bargained for when he shares the platform with another model, the sometimes wild and always vivacious Lydia Nelson. Their relationship takes a turn when they both participate in an abortion protest for a class project.

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Will Forest

Eddie Fife is a British sailor in the Caribbean in 1662. When he’s abducted by a band of buck-naked buccaneers and forced to take a stand in their battle with the Sea Witch, he finds strength and love in the most unusual of circumstances.

In this swashbuckler without buckles, Will Forest brings to life a fascinating world of pirates, fugitives and sirens whose naked liberty, while speculative, has historical precedent.

First book in the series
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Song of the sea witch

Will Forest

In the seventeenth-century Caribbean, there aren’t many reasons to wear clothes, but there are plenty of reasons to fight the slavers who profit from cotton. When Eddie Fife’s old flame Susanna appears in Port Royal with her landowner father, the trials and tribulations steam and spark to a smoking-hot finale.

Eddie and his growing family, Oshuna and her courageous community, and Captain Barlo with his crew of bare buccaneers are all back in Song of the Sea Witch, the rollicking, frolicking sequel to Skinners by Will Forest.

Second and final book in the series
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Will Forest

It's Da Vinci Code meets The Mission... only a lot more naked! When an earthquake strikes the oldest public library in the Americas, a young historian and an art collector begin a quest for ancient, hidden testimonies that lead to a radical new understanding of the human body in the natural landscape.

Putting a new spin on legends such as El Dorado and the Fountain of Youth, Will Forest leads his readers on a beautifully written, thrilling adventure from Mexico to Brazil and into the pre-Columbian past. Forest artfully blends fast-paced historical and speculative fiction with compelling characters, arresting imagery, a strong body-positive message, and an unforgettable climax. You can learn some Spanish and Portuguese along the way...

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Co-Ed Naked Philosophy

Will Forest

An upbeat, quirky novel about taking off clothes to take on social conventions! Co-ed Naked Philosophy is the story of Christopher Ross, an edgy young philosophy professor at Gulf Coast University. Students adore him for his controversial course topics. His department needs him to keep bolstering enrollment. But after an arrest for trespassing at an unofficial nude beach, he faces losing his job. Between brash and desperate, Professor Ross enlists the help of his students and colleagues to set off a revolution in body attitudes that forges unexpected alliances among the campus, the media, and the community.

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Frequently Asked Questions

About this site, or about naturism

1. What is naturism?

Naturism, called nudism in the USA, is the desire to not wear clothing, even in social events. It is also the capacity to seperate sexuality from nudity, as social nudity has nothing to do with sexuality.

2. What is the point of social nudity then?

People enjoy social nudity for a variety of reasons, from the equality between people when no clothing is present to a better acceptance of your own body. Others enjoy the connection to nature or the calm from being able to reveal your vulnerability in a safe environment

3. I heard there are more men than women who enjoy naturism, why are stories mostly around women?

Because women nudity is usually more accepted than male nudity, and because in fiction tropes, even textile (non-naturist) ones, women are to be discovered and men are the explorers. How many movies have the male protagonist leave his comfort zone only to discover a wild universe out there... and a woman who will teach him the ways of that universe.

4. Why are so many stories left uncompleted?

Because the founder is only human! Sometimes, a project seems promising, gets serialized, and goes nowhere. Also, several events in the life of the founder of the site lead him away from the site, notably professional issue but also family issues.

5. Will they be completed now?

Maybe? There are plans to write more, but no promises are made.

Most Recent Posts

Either stories or blog articles


An A-list actress finds out her husband cheated on her with the man playing her husband in her next movie. She needs to hide for a week from the paparazzi, and finds a naturist resort to cool down their trail. Content Warning: language.

#10: Re: Our Overton Window

Another exchange of emails with plans set for July 4th and Bob's first attempt at naturist camping. Again, read from the bottom up, like a real email exchange...

#9: Our overton window

Now that Essie and Linda have opened up on the phone about more than Peter wanted, he tries to set the tone for his relationship with Bob

#7: What was that Bob???

Bob and his wife show up at the resort for just an hour, and leave without really talking to Peter and Essie. Now, Peter is spinning as he can't reach Bob.

N40 Shared Universe

A new shared universe from 2025, occurring 15 years into an alternate future, in which Susana's world and Eden's creek helped Naturism take off. Also, a skin cancer vaccine protects against sun burns? Sign me up!

#5: Linda is at my house

Linda goes to Essie and Peter's house during the day. Peter informs Bob. PS: This is a series of replies, so perhaps start from the last email at the bottom, and work your way up?


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