Blog Articles about the site, from the founder.
More updates on my life
What has happened in my life since I was last active...
Diagnosis: Depression
I went to see my Doctor and it's official, I am in situational depression.
Slight Site Restructure
I made some changes to the structure of the site, now that I know a little more about how the site is actually used
Different levels of writing
My story "The Deserted Beach" was criticized as being badly written and I thought I might explain a little more about writing.
My professional life in 2019
My is my professional life now, in 2019?
I read some of my old stories and feel ashamed
After half a decade without thinking about this site, I decided to write more stories, so I had to read old stories and they made me cringe.
My daughter wrote most of the sequel for "Can the pool be saved", and a new serial
A blog about a new collaborator and an upcoming serial.
The naturist fiction archives, now bigger and better than ever!
On this May 17th 2022, the site got major changes and is now bigger and better than ever.
Site is now responsive, and progress on "My life so far"
Work on the site, and more writing with my daughter
A new collaborative way to write My life so far
My daughter and I are editing her story in Google Docs, each adding new parts, but yesterday, we had a big evening together
19 episodes of My Life to far written? And teaser of upcoming episodes
My daughter and I wrote a lot of My life so far and programmed episodes now show up
Good progress on My life so far
My daughter and I are making good progress on My life to far, with 25 episodes written and over 58,000 words!
My daughter has a new summer job!
A pause in the writing of My Life So Far? Explanation here.
My life so far now has over 86,000 words, even if writing slowed down
An update on My life to far
Episode 41 of my life to far now written!
News about progress on the currently active serial
More "my life so far" coming soon? Perhaps
Could there be more chapters of My Life So Far coming soon? It's posisible
How to read new My Life So Far episodes?
Finally, more content for My Life So Far! About time! One chapter available now, and more in the near future.