Inconvenient Refugees 3: Rana and Lunja!
The refugee count finally reaches 10 in this episode, but Dave now needs to inform the other free zones.
Episode #3: Inconvenient Refugees 3: Rana and Lunja
Mar,18 2025
I got dressed, and joined Amanda, who handed me the file.
I look at it, while the adult woman and the teenage girl in front of me don't seem to match what I have.
"Safiyya?", I ask, confused. According to the file, the mother is 43, but the oldest of the two in front of me is, at most, 33.
"She's dead", says the younger of the two, with a bitter tone.
"And you are?"
"Lunja", she says.
I flip the pages. She is the 16-year-old daughter of Safiyya.
"I am so sorry to hear that"
"Yeah, right", she says.
"And you are?", I say, to the older woman.
"Rana, I am Safiyya's little sister"
"I don't have a file for you"
"I know. I pretended to be my sister."
I look at the picture in the file. And I can imagine how she managed to do that. Safiyya is wearing a veil which hides her hair.
"Well, I don't mind. We need to welcome 10 people, and already have 8. We could take you in"
But I get no reaction.
"And Brahim?", I say, looking at the file for the father.
"Killed", says Lunja.
"I am so sorry you had to live through this"
Rana explains. "Brahim fought looters, but some were important, and they called him a terrorist after they killed him. They raped my sister and killed her. We had to flee"
"But how did you get their papers if they died in Algeria?"
"They died on the boat"
I look at her. "That's... horrible"
"We spent years on that stupid boat", says Lunja
"You speak good English"
"I was a great student. And Natasha was a good teacher on the boat"
"Hey, she is here with Victor and her kids. We will get her to teach English"
"She is? Victor kept me safe a few times", says Lunja, smiling a little.
"We also have Illa and Ziri and their kids"
"I don't know them", says Lunja
"It was a big ship. So we can be safe here?", says Rana
"Well, yeah. What did you do for a living Rana?"
"I ran a food cart"
"Oh, we wanted to open a new restaurant. Would you like to cook for it?"
She smiles. "I always wanted to open a restaurant"
"And you, Lunja, what do you want to do in the future?"
"How should I know?"
"Ok, well, you can go to high school, and to University. We can help you find what you want to do"
"And pay how?"
"Oh, we don't use money inside the free zone. Everyone just does something useful for the zone, and the free zone provides. Rana will run her restaurant, you will study, I administer, Natasha will teach. Victor will work on our electricity. We will find something for you to do that you don't hate too much, and you'll be able to get a boyfriend, marry him, have kids if you wants"
She just scoffs at the idea.
"I think this is perfect. She will need therapy", says Rana
"We have therapists. Don't worry, we take care of our own"
"So, what do we need to do?"
"Well, there is one thing"
"Of course there is", says Lunja.
"Well, we are a naturist free zone"
"I don't know what that means", says Rana.
"It means we live our life without clothes. Nude."
Lunja laughs. "Seriously?"
"Yes. We do offer the skin cancer vaccine"
"You aren't kidding?"
She laughs again. "Everyone is just running around naked, kids, adults, old people?"
"Yes, but we say nude, not naked"
"Whatever", she says, as she removes her shirt.
"What are you doing Lunja?", says Rana
"What does it look like? They want us naked. What, are you going to rape us?"
"What? No. Not at all. This isn't sexual at all"
"See? I don't care. I miss my parents, I am not getting back to that boat, and I am not living in this ass backward country"
I look at her.
She is fierce. Traumatized, but dedicated. She is soon nude, and hands Amanda her clothes.
"So, where do I go?", says Lunja.
"We need Rana to agree", I explain.
"Well, I am not putting those rags back on. So join me, or die like my parents", says Lunja
"You don't need to undress and decide now, we can show you your new home, and you can decide then", I add.
"I am not getting out of there, so, Rana, make up your mind", says Lunja
"We get a house?"
"You get a house"
"Ok, let's try it"
"After the visit, you commit for life, or you leave", I tell her
"I am not leaving. Natasha is the best teacher ever", says Lunja.
Rana seems scared.
"Why don't you go eat at your house, and get into the motion?"
She nods.
Amanda brings them to Fatima, who will get them their house, but I get the employee from Costa Rica.
"You sent me fake papers. Do I need to report this to the United Nations?"
"Hey, we have a lot to process, do you want the others?", he replies.
I sigh. It's like a stonewall.
"Actually, yes, but I need a few minutes to talk to the others."
I have a family waiting"
"Ok, send them in, but give me a few minutes after that."
That next family was a major bust. First, they only spoke Arabic, second, they didn't want to be in a free zone, third, they hate English speakers. I didn't get to speak about naturism. They did not want to be here.
I complained again, but the official wasn't fazed at all.
So, I called a meeting of the free zone council from my house, with Cathy confirming that the roast still needed a good hour of cooking.