It is now possible for visitor to submit stories !
We have added today the ability for visitors to submit stories on the site.
Relaunch of Naturist-Fiction.comIt is now possible for visitor to submit stories !More updates : Commenting added on the site !Visitor progression - First 3 months since relaunchA summary of the number of words so farMark and Jenny : A new exclusive serialized novelHappy New Year ! (Site update)A new e-mail from the author of Stephany Conners' Naturist diaryVirtual Interview offer...What's happening with Mark and Jenny ?New updates...Updates on February 19th 2010What is going on, plus major Catherine Reynolds updateUpdate on Catherine ReynoldSo, what do I do for a living exactly?Just published a bunch of comments and I read some submitted storiesChange of Hosting companyOne of my readers will translate some of my stories in French
It is now possible for visitor to submit stories !
May,13 2009
Our developper managed to finally have the submit stories function working on the site. Sadly, the only way to submit stories other than in anonymous mode would be for users to register and login on the site, but that feature is not working yet.
I am told it should be available shortly, as well as the ability to post comments on articles.
Please note that all submitted stories are moderated and need approval and review before publication.