More updates : Commenting added on the site !
Our developer successfully activated commenting on articles and we published 3 old articles from Stephany Conners' old website
Relaunch of Naturist-Fiction.comIt is now possible for visitor to submit stories !More updates : Commenting added on the site !Visitor progression - First 3 months since relaunchA summary of the number of words so farMark and Jenny : A new exclusive serialized novelHappy New Year ! (Site update)A new e-mail from the author of Stephany Conners' Naturist diaryVirtual Interview offer...What's happening with Mark and Jenny ?New updates...Updates on February 19th 2010What is going on, plus major Catherine Reynolds updateUpdate on Catherine ReynoldSo, what do I do for a living exactly?Just published a bunch of comments and I read some submitted storiesChange of Hosting companyOne of my readers will translate some of my stories in French
More updates : Commenting added on the site !
May,13 2009
Commenting is now available on all articles. Comments are moderated so one of us needs to manually publish them. If they are not offensive in any way, they should show up in a few hours.
You do not need to type an e-mail to post a comment.
We also managed to retrieve 3 old pages from Stepany Conners' old website, 2 interviews with her friends (which were presented as real, even if they were fiction) and her groups page listing all her friends.
The author had expressed in private that the real reason for the groups page was so he would actually keep track of the characters he was creating while writing the diary.