What is going on, plus major Catherine Reynolds update
Why no new stories have been published, and a potential major development for Catherine Reynolds to become "real"
What is going on, plus major Catherine Reynolds update
May,31 2010
As some of you may know from my IAMA on Reddit a few months ago, I am a software consultant and I consult on a closed-source software I wrote for my ex-employer worked in a specific industry.
My employer went bankrupt from its other business ventures a few years ago owing me a lot of money (more than 6 figures), and for a settlement, I received both the source code for the software and the right to consult for it.
In short, I inherited the software I was paid to write and which is still in use by major corporations who all now know me personally.
Recently, 3 of those corporations asked for a new version of the software. Not just customization, but a new release with new major features.
My lawyer confirmed I could make and sell a new version under our settlement (but not sell licenses of the old version).
This can mean a major influx of money going my way in the next year or so, so I have been working heavily on said new version and will me in the next few months.
For you, the bad news is less time for writing new stories. For me, the good news means that I might be financially independent in a few years if all of the people using my software (without giving me money) end up paying me for the new version.
For now, I live on my financial reserves since I am not doing customized development, but I already have enough of pre-orders to finish the new version.
Catherine Reynolds
Meanwhile however, one of the fans of the site came strong. He had been sending me e-mails for almost 3 months, commenting on each of the stories and asking me a lot of questions.
He submitted a few ideas and some of them would have made it into the next Catherine Reynolds (which would occur after the Case of the Funeral).
Recently, he told me he was an independent movie producer. That's his title on his business card anyway, since he hasn't produced any movies yet. He was however an assistant director on a few independent movies.
So, this producer has purchased an option to do a an independent movie on Catherine Reynolds.
I cannot say a lot more. She will still be a naturist in the movie, but Lily and Kyle are out for legal reasons. He wants to do a movie with PG-13 nudity, in other words, with objects blocking the various views and only occasional breasts showing. In fact, on a 90 to 100 minutes of movie, he plans to show less than 5 minutes occurring at the naturist center.
In short, it would be what most of you would call "a sell-out". A movie with naturists but no real nudity.
However, and here is the part that interested me, there will be a "scenarist-cut" with true naturist spirit.
In other words, we wouldn't film only 5 minutes of naturism, but rather perhaps 15 or 20 minutes with added details about Catherine's personal life, without any censorship or specialized angles.
For example, in one section of the official movie, the court might adjourn for the day and continue on the next morning, at the courthouse. The "scenarist-cut" would show the evening at the naturist center and what is going on.
I have a rough draft of a scenario due for the end of August. I am not a scenarist, so he assigned me to established scenarist who helps me do the writing. At this moment am 30 pages in, and I need to deliver 120.
But the biggest news isn't there yet.
I have mentioned to the producer that I am working hard but will come into serious money.
The movie isn't financed yet. There are no definite plans, nothing serious. For the moment, it is only an option on a future scenario.
But, if the first movie gets the green light and if I managed to produce a second scenario before filming begins, I might end up co-producing the sequel.
It's a lot of IF. A lot. But it is possible that instead of filming just one movie, we might end up filming two, back to back.
They would be release at least 6 to 9 months apart, due to post-production, but it would guarantee at least 2 Catherine Reynolds movies coming out in the next 2 to 3 years.
I cannot share any additional details. Don't ask me the name of the producer or anything else. I can confirm that the budget of the films would be really low, but I have met the producer and I have seen the two high-definition cameras he owns.
Sadly, he isn't a naturist, so I have no idea how well he can translate the Catherine Reynolds stories into movies which show naturism in a good light.
Thank you all for your support !
PS: The case that Catherine Reynolds would tackle is NOT one of the cases currently published. The case idea came from the producer himself. He was looking to make a detective story out of a great crime idea where an innocent is wrongly accused he had and was just lacking strong characters to flesh out the story. When he found Catherine, he fell in love with her.