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More updates on my life
Mar,31 2011
As you might know, I had a movie deal for 2 Catherine Reynolds movies.
Well, I wasn't really expecting a sequel, but a first movie would have been interesting.
My contact had a murder mystery seen from the point of view of the defense attorney for the person framed for the murder and every time he pitched his movie, the end result was the same: "The murder mystery is good, the lawyer is boring".
I never knew how he heard about Catherine Reynolds, but when he read it, he realized she was what he needed and so we teamed up.
I wrote the script with his help and we went into the pre-pre-production cycle: trying to find a real producer with real money to make the movie.
Without a budget, it's useless to do casting. If we had gotten 1 million to do the movie, we would have needed a low cost actress for Catherine. If we had gotten 20 millions, we could have gotten a pretty decent one.
But we never got any money. No one ever wanted to touch the naturist angle, even if it was just mentioned in script and not shown on the screen.
It's weird isn't it? We can have mainstream sex thrillers like basic instinct and BDSM movies like Exit to Eden, but we can't have one with Naturism in the front line.
A visit to a nude beach in a humoristic fashion is fine, but if you threat the subject seriously, no one will touch it.
We kind of understood kids had to be dressed, we are not stupid, but even without any scenes of nudity, the subject was judged too risky.
That's why today I have a story about a pitch, because I was there too often, wishing for a positive answer.
But we never got it. It failed. And I fought a viscious depression for months. I am not even sure I will go to my favorite naturist resort this summer because of all of the pain in my heart.
Hopefully, I will get better. I did manage to write "The pitch", and I expect to be able to write one chapter per month, but I can't make any promises.
I am not the same man anymore who use to write every morning new parts of chapters to be published.