Mark and Jenny, Chapter 12 : The Invitation!
When Mark arrived home, Jenny was already on the phone with an invitation. This is the shortest chapter so far, as it is more of an epilogue to the previous one.
Mark and Jenny, Chapter 12 : The Invitation
Feb,01 2010
I drove back home on my bike, happy with the way I had handled the afternoon. Oddly enough, it felt warmer on the drive back than when I had gone to Jenny's house.
I thought back then that having spent the afternoon nude made me more accustomed to the cold, but I now think it was simply because I was high from the event, instead of being scared beforehand.
When I came inside, my mother was on the phone with Jenny, who had just called to talk to me. I was excited and decided to run to the basement to take the call.
She wanted to inform me that her parent had really liked me and that they officially approved of me hanging out with their daughter. They even said that she could invite me to visit them this summer at their naturist center, if I wanted to go.
This was a lot of take in. I had only recently got used to being seen in the nude by someone else than Jenny, and I was already invited to visit their center.
Jenny was fortunately overwhelmed by the idea. She mentioned how great the sun and the wind felt on your completely nude body and she felt quite happy to have someone her age around. She told me that most of the kids were a lot younger than she was, leaving her to spend most of her days either alone or with young adults.
She also mentioned that there wasn't much to do sadly… there was a playground for kids, but there wasn't anything interesting for teenagers there. There were 3 pools : a kiddie pool, a large pool for making lengths and a much smaller heated one which was usually filled on cold days. There was also a small artificial lake, a few very busy tennis courts and a practically unused soccer field. There was a community center with books, including comics books, two pool tables and other party games such as bean bag toss game, as well as supplies for outdoor game like horseshoes or petanque.
To be honest, after hearing her description of the place, the only thought that crossed my mind was that it sounded like a boring place. Apart from swimming and reading, I didn't see anything interesting to do and would have probably never gone if it weren't for the fact that it allowed me to spend time with a completely nude Jenny.
Even today, I fail to see why people spend their entire summer at place like that, even if it was the only place they were allowed to be outside without clothes. Imagine my surprise when I visited a non-naturist camping ground to see the camper of one of my office colleagues: his camping ground was even less interesting, baffling me as to why he wanted to go there in the first place!
After a little while, the conversation became a little more personal. We talked about Samantha, and her life growing up as a naturist.
She explained she spent the first few years of her life as a full-time naturist, wearing only clothes to go outside.
Then, when she was about three, her parents suspended their practice of naturism and she began wearing clothes almost full time. But the time she was five, she had almost forgotten she used not to wear any clothes so her entry in Kindergarten occurred like with any other kid. They told her that they made that choice when she told her grandmother that she didn't know what a bathing suit was. I am sure it made awkward explanations for her parents...
It's only when she was 6 and a half that her parents felt she was mature enough to realize their lifestyle wasn't public knowledge. They had been mostly afraid about the fact that kids between 3 and 6 or 7 years are simply often unable to lie and that she could have inadvertently told a few kids about her naturist family.
To her parent's surprise, she did have vague memories of having swam in the nude, but they were just that, vague.
Still, she adjusted very well to her new lifestyle and to the fact that she now had a double-life. She admitted I was the first non-naturist she ever spoke to about naturism.
We ended up chatting until way past my normal bedtime, but I admit that I might have dosed off a little while she told me stories after stories of her younger years.