
An A-list actress finds out her husband cheated on her with the man playing her husband in her next movie. She needs to hide for a week from the paparazzi, and finds a naturist resort to cool down their trail. Content Warning: language.


Mar,21 2025

I came home early to find my husband in bed with my co-star. How pathetic is that?

In the movie script, we share a few kisses, and even a few sex scenes, none of which have been filmed yet, and I find my husband in bed with him?

I didn't even know either of them were bisexual. I know my husband isn't gay, but I honestly thought my co-star was at least, attracted to women considering her dated Vanessa Simons and Greta Henry.... with rumors that he dated both at the same time.

Fuck, are Vanessa and Greta gay too? Good for them, but why did Jack need to bag my own husband?

"If your movie husband fucks your real life husband, is that worse or better?", I say to them, making them jump in surprise.

To their credit, they stopped immediately and began apologizing.

"It's not what it looks like", says my husband. My real one.

"It seems like the man I am paid to pretend to be married to is having sex with the man I married. Am I wrong?"

"No, well, yeah", says Luke, my husband.

"But we aren't just having sex", says Jack.

"You are also wrestling?", I joke

"We've been dating for 6 years", says my husband, and suddenly, my world collapsed.

"Oh. So I am the mistress. Fuck. Why didn't you tell me?", I tell Luke.

"Would you have married me if I had?"

"Fuck no, but I would have pushed you to marry Jack. I don't date people in a relationship"

"But I love you"

"I don't date people in a relationship, Luke. And it's too late to pick me, you were with Jack first. Wait, this is your house, not mine. Ok, stay there, I'll go book myself a hotel room and send my assistant to pick my personal things. We have a double prenup, I won't cause a scene, and I hope it works between you two"

"You aren't mad?", asks my husband.

"Mad? I am mad as hell, but what can I do? I can't even date you again, you cheated on me, but worse, you cheated with me, on Jack. And I can't accept that. Wait, so Vanessa and Greta are gay?", I ask Jack.

"Married to each other. I was their beard, they were mine"

"Oh my God, that is so cool. Wait, was I your beard or truly your wife?", I ask Luke.

"You were truly my wife"

I tilt my head.

He looks down in shame. "You were my beard"

"Thank you for being honest. Jack, I'll talk to my agent, maybe get a body double for me. I was fine doing nude scenes with you before, well, this, but I can't now."

"Isabella, please", says Jack.

"Wait, my co-star is begging me and my husband isn't? Wow. That is rich"

I leave the house, which, I thought was mine, but in the prenup, it's clear it's his. Worse, there is an infidelity clause, but it specifies I get the house only if he is caught with another woman I didn't consent to.

What a joke. He played me well

I booked a hotel, and the shit hit the fan while I was outside the bathtub, dripping on my comforter as I had to run answer the phone for my agent.

Yes, I put a custom ringtone, yes, I love that he is my agent, he does good work for me, finds me amazing movie deals and never did anything inappropriate in person with me. But the keyword is, in person. On the phone? He flirts with me and I hate it. So, his ringtone, is "Just a Gigolo" by David Lee Roth. But not the start, the end... "Iiiiiiiiiiiii ain't got nooooboooooody.... Nobody."

I still know he never calls me without a good reason.

"Isabella, are you safe?"

"I am, why?"

"He came out"

"Who came out?"

"Jack! And your husband. All the paparazzi in the time zone are trying to find you"

"Fuck me."

"I can send you a car, but I have no idea where to send you. Family?"

"All on the East Coast, I'll never make it to an airport. I'll can stay here and only go to the studio tomorrow"

"You didn't hear? Shit, the movie is on hold"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Just for about a week. Then, they might recast Jack. Not you, you are their star. They loved you in the dailies, were on the fence with him, and now, think the marketing is bust"


"Yeah. Where can you lie low for a week?"

"I know a good health spa in the countryside. It's my secret spot"

"Ok, I'll send Roberto to pick you up."

"I like him. He is nice"

"He is"


"Yes, Isabella?"

"Thank you for being there for me"

"Sure baby girl"

There it is. So I quickly hang up before he invites me to his house or something.

I dry myself, and look in a mirror on the wall. I gained a few pounds. My hips aren't as round as they used to. I was ready to do a nude scene with Jack, but would I with another actor? I trusted him because, in part, the rumor that he was good with his female co-starts landed in my ears. Now, I know why! I didn't have the right... equipment. My breasts are starting to sag.

Maybe it is time for body doubles...

I get dressed, my hair is a mess, but I am going to a health spa, who cares? Shit, they might be downstairs, so I take a good 30 minutes to dry it, to brush it, to style it. I put makeup on in case those jerks are waiting for me outside.

When I get to the lobby, I don't see them, but sometimes, they hide against the wall.

"Mrs Isabella?", asks the concierge.


"We have a driver for you, Roberto, in the underground garage. If you follow me, I can take you directly to your car"

"How nice", I tell him.

"My pleasure", he says.

There isn't an elevator, but I am wearing normal shoes, so the stairs pose no problems.

Roberto was standing straight by the car, not leaning on it, not sitting in it. When I got there, I take a one hundred dollar bill and offered it to the concierge.

"Do you recall what you did when I gave you your room key, Mrs Isabella?"

"Did I forget to tip you?"

"No, you gave me two bills of a hundred dollars"

"That does sound like me"

"Do you recall what you did when I got you to your room?"

I laugh. "I gave you two other one hundred dollar bills?"

"No, Mrs Isabella, you gave me three. I suggest that you keep some of your money in the upcoming hard time"

I look at him. His badge says Greg.

"Greg, are you gay?"

"No, but my ex-wife was", he says.

"Greg? You know who I am, right?"

"I have seen most of your movies"

"Here is that is going to happen, Greg. 3 seconds after I finish talking, I will offer you a hug, so that two people who were married and lost the love of their lives can share a moment of solicitude."

To my surprise, he looked sad, not happy, but he did give me a hug. And I slipped the $100 bill in his jacket when I was done.

"Mrs Isabella"

"You should know something about me. Once I take out money to tip someone, it doesn't go back to my purse"

He smiles.

"Thank you. And I want you to know something about our establishment"

"I know, privacy is your top priority, It's why I come here"

"Of course, but that's not what I wanted you to know. We have unlisted rooms"

"What do you mean?"

"If you call, and we tell you that we are fully booked on the phone, come on over, and I will still find you a room. A lady of your caliber will always find a safe place here."

I look at him,

"Greg, I have a movie premiere in 4 weeks. This hotel will get 10 tickets to attend it. I hope you will"

I nod in approval, and I get in the car.

"Your spa, as usual?"

"Yes. Do you want a ticket for my movie premiere?"

"I already have one. You gave me a pair of tickets for my wife and me"


"Two weeks ago, for your hair salon appointment"

I laugh. "Did I tip you then?"

"You always tip, Mrs Isabella"

It got me thinking.

I was a waitress in Kansas, at a horrible little diner, and over 90% of my revenue was from tipping alone. When I came to LA, I was a waitress too, and again, tipping was my lifeboat. Now that I make millions per movie, I make sure to always tip people less fortunate. Always.

When we make it to my spa, however, Roberto doesn't stop.

"You missed it"

"I spotted no less and 6 paparazzi and 2 news vans hiding beside the building. They knew you would come here"

"Shit. Ok, I think I saw a camping ground about 10 miles East from here. I'll try to hide there"

"Are you sure? I never went that way"

"I once turned right instead of left when leaving the spa, and I didn't notice for a while. "

"It's pretty rural"

I smile, even if I am sitting at the back, and him at the front.

"It looks like we weren't spotted", he says, as I was looking behind us for cars.

"Is that the one? Shaded Resort, cabins and campground?", he says.

I look forward. "I guess so. It's not like I ever went there"

There is a wooden gate and an intercom over a key card access sensor.

"You want to spend a week in this dump?", asks Roberto.

"I am from Kansas. I was homeless for a few weeks, there, and here, It can't be that bad"


He presses the call button.

"How may I help you?"

"Hi, I am a driver, my client would like to rent a cabin to relax for a week. "

"A single man?"

"A single woman"

"Ok, she can enter with her suitcase by the pedestrian door, you can wait there. "

"Weird. I don't even have a suitcase. I guess I will order in"

"Want me to get to your home and get your some clothes and stuff?"

I think.

"They are camping there. I will just order and get Uber to deliver. It's getting late, all I want to is to eat something and get to sleep"


But then I took out two hundred dollar bills for him.

"Ok, I will take them but then, give them back to you so you can rebound on your feet."

"I can't accept that"

"I feel like I am leaving you stranded. Do you even have a charger for your phone?"

"In my purse"

"Something to sleep in?"

"I have a spare pair of panties. I can tolerate that for the night, if Uber can't send me a pajama tonight"

"Then tip the guy at the counter"

"I will. In addition to that $200 for you"

"You are incorrigible"

"I know", I say, smiling.

I get to the door, and it buzzes. When I close it, I see a building in front of me saying "Administration"

Behind the counter, the man from the intercom is topless, I suspect he is wearing shorts, but he is behind the counter.

"Oh, wait, I think I know you"

"You probably do from my movies. I just need a place to crash for a week. Somewhere to hide from paparazzi.", I take out a few hundred dollar bills. "And I need some privacy"

"Everyone here has privacy, but we don't take cash, only credit cards. So, a cabin for a week?"

He slides a list of prices, and I ended getting the premium. Why not? It has an actual bathtub instead of just a shower, and two bedrooms, not that I need the second one. The difference in price is just $40 per night anyway.

I pay with my credit card, but when I want to tip the man, there is a sign saying "No tipping"

"Well, where is the fun in that?", I say, but he ignores me.

"Can you find your way?"

I look at the map he gave me.

"Sure. Are there towels in the cabin?"

"Of course"

"And does the restaurant deliver to the cabins?"

"Normally no, but they do take tips, and might be willing to do so"

Instead of a key card, I get to pick a 4 digit security code. Odd.

But as I exit, I notice that there are people playing volleyball, nude, nearby. I look at my map, and it says. "Shaded Resort, Naturist cabins and campground". I smile. Of course. I look at the back, and the first rule is "Nudity is mandatory on the property"

I get back to the admin building, and see from the side the counter, and notice that the man is nude, not topless.

I take a deep breath. "Can I just undress at my cabin?"



I don't want to mingle, and what I wear, or don't wear in my cabin, is nobody's business.

I see a few naturist people and some have double takes when they see me. Do they recognize me, or it is because I am dressed up? I don't know, and I don't care.

I really only want that bed, but I realize that I am starving. I skipped supper to relax in the bathtub, intending on ordering room service when my evening plans were interrupted.

I find my bed, and sit on it, crying. It's the first time I let emotions go at my life falling apart. My husband is gay, my house isn't mine anymore, and I have no idea when I will resume working.

What sucks, is that while the movie is on hold, I can't just do something else to get money, not that I need much.

At least, didn't need much. Previously, I just lived with my husband in his house. He bought it before I met him, it made sense. Now, I had to take my savings and put it on a house, while still having a mortgage and only one salary to pay for it.

Maybe I should stop tipping like the money was burning my purse, but then, I wouldn't be me anymore.

I get my charger from my purse, and plug my phone, but then, notice the phone number for the restaurant on the map.

"Restaurant", answer the number. A woman who is probably younger than me.

"I was wondering, I skipped supper, and I didn't want to leave my cabin. I am in #29, could to deliver something for me to eat?"

"We have a delivery charge"

"Is a big tip ok?"

"Probably. What do you want to eat?"

"What do you have to propose?"

"We have a Caesar salad to kill for, and some zesty chicken wings"

"Ok, send that!"

"Which one?"

"Well, both? Just 8 chicken wings. But I want some of that Caesar salad to kill for"

"Ok, give me, perhaps, 15 minutes to deliver it?"


Meanwhile, I tour the place. The bath is ok, the towels are plentiful and in, like, 4 sizes.

I look at myself in the mirror. I am dressed and can see how my body changed.

I don't have time to get a mortgage when I might not find work in a few years, and I can't get a small house because they will wonder why I won't spend more. This divorce is at an awful moment in my life.

The worse is, I was happy with my husband. Sure, he didn't press for sex much, but I was used to that. My exes weren't much better. But we were young then, they were shy with me. Luke, I guess, wasn't as bisexual as I could have hoped.

I checked a little on Bluesky, on Facebook, on AP News, on gossip websites. It was everywhere, and everyone wondered where I was, and if I was ok.

I called Roberto.

"Need me to come back?"

"No, did you tell anyone where I was"



"No one"

"No even my agent?"

"No Mrs. Isabella"

"Ok, don't tell him where I am. Tell him I will keep a low profile, and that he can call me, but that I might not answer"

"So it's okay where you are?"

"No, but I will be okay in my cabin. It's all I needed. A place to lie low and sleep"

"Sure. Call me when you want to go back to the city"

"I will"

I hang up and check my messages. I have a ton, but none from Luke. I check some from my friends, and none of them feel genuine. One of them, even tells me that she knew, and thought I knew too. To my surprise, Vanessa Simons texted me. She mentions to me that if we need to talk, I can text her anytime, and we can even meet for lunch,

Like, what would I tell her, and where did she get my number? And why is it in my phone? Oh, right, we did a movie together before I even met Luke. Before we were famous.

I get a knock on the door.

I open and find a very nude woman, probably 19, with a brown bag and a box.

"Oh my God, you are Isabella White?"

"And you are naked"


I look at her. "My purse is inside to pay you"

I get in, and she follows me.

"I am such a fan of you"

"Thank you"

"It sucks that your husband left you"

"Technically, I left him. He just came out publicly before I did"

"Well, good for you. You don't owe the world an explanation. He cheated on you, end of story"

I took out my wallet.

"How much for the food?"

"14 for the salad, 8 for the wings. Plus tax, the invoice is in the box"

I look at it. But just give her two one hundred dollar bills.

She looks at me. "I don't have change, but I can't bring it back"

"No, keep it."

"Wow, I think I am in love. I can deliver all your meals as long as you're here"

"I don't have enough bills for that", I say, laughing.

"No, I mean, with what you already gave me, I will deliver for free everything else you order. And I bill the cabin for the food"

"That's easy then. Send me a menu when you have the chance."

"Sure", she says, smiling.

"When do you work?"

"Well, most of the time. I live here"

"Wait, so when do you leave this place?"

"Pretty much never?"

"So when do you wear clothes?"

She laughs. "When it's cold?"

"It's seldomly cold around here"

"I know, isn't it great?

I look at her. So happy with such a simple life.

"Technically, he cheated on his boyfriend, with me. I just didn't know he had one"

"Darn. Happened to me too. Will, not the same, exactly. Jason asked me out, but he was already dating Cascada"

"Wait, like the singer?"

"I have no idea who that is, but he was already dating her when he asked me out"

"Was this here?"

"No, he was a guy in high school. I only visited here with my parents back then."

"Well, she has a stupid name. What's yours?"


"I like that. Nice to meet you, Layla"

"Could I perfect get a selfie with you at some point this week? You don't have to. And you can be dressed for it. My friends will be so jealous"

"Wait, are they here?"

She laughs. "No, but I have Facebook. And I am on Bluesky"

"Me too"

"I know, I am one of your millions of followers"

I take out my phone.

"Which one are you?"

She gives me her ID.

"If I follow you, it will drive your friends crazy"

But she cringes a little. "I wouldn't follow me if I were you"


"Check my profile"

I do, and I notice that she posts like 10 pictures per day, and in all of them, she is nude.

"I see."

"You are so gorgeous", she says, looking at me.

"No, but you are. You have, like, perfect breasts"

"I saw yours in Living Dark. "

I laugh, "That was a body double"

"Oh. Why?"

"Studio requirements. Nudity from the actress needs a closed set, and that scene needed a stunt team. They took a model"

"And in Fatal Fracture?"

"That was me"

"Oh, my God, and you are staying all week?"

"I am"

"Let's hang out in the hot tub."


"No, you are right. I am just a stupid cook. Forget that"

"No, it's just, I didn't intend to undress"

"Oh, you should. No one judges you here. No one looks at you weird, no one passes judgment. You know Greta Henry?"

I smirk. Her secret wife texted me earlier. "She dated my husband"

"Oh right, stupid me. Well, she comes here sometimes, just to recharge her energy. She even talks about it in her blog"

"and Vanessa?"


"Ok, never mind. Listen, I'll eat and see you when you bring a menu?"

"I can be right back"

"Take your time"

I open the bag, and find the chicken wings. I take one, and bite into it, and it's just both crispy and chewy, and just the right level of spiciness for me.

I open the salad and find napkins and a wooden fork. I hate those. The salad looks just perfect.

I grab a bite, and stop a piece of salad on my light colored pants, letting a salad dressing stain.

"Shit". I say.

I remove my pants, and want them a little in the sink, and realize it's all gone, but now wet.

I sit back at my table, and eat in my panties, a little ashamed to be exposed, but then, laugh.

I am alone, at a stupid naturist resort.

When I put some sauce from my 3rd wing on my blouse, I remove it, wet it, and decide that it's ridiculous to keep my bra and my panties.

I am alone and naked, at a stupid fucking naturist resort.

The salad is astonishing. The wings are great. I managed to finish it, and want to talk about it with someone, but...

I am fucking alone, at a stupid, ridiculous naturist resort.

I stand up, and look in a mirror.

My breasts are still sagging a little. My stomach seems to be every bigger, but my hips don't look that bad.

At least, I am alone. Even if I am stuck at a naturist resort until things calm down.

I take a few breaths.

I am safely alone and nude, at a calm and quiet naturist resort.

But then, there is a knock on the door.

"It's Layla", I hear.

I look at my clothes. They still look a little wet from where I am standing. Showing up in my panties and bra feels ridiculous.

I am no longer going to be alone, but I am still nude at a stupid naturist resort.

So, I open the door.

Layla smiles. She is holding a menu.

"Good, you got comfortable"


"Yes Isabella?"

"Do you have somewhere to be in the next few minutes?"

"No, Ken can man the restaurant. That always sounds weird. Ken, can.", she laughs.

"The cook?"

"Yeah. I am just the sous-chef and waitress"

"I began as a waitress"

"I know!"

"Want to come in? I don't think I want to be alone"

She smiles, and as I move aside, she gets in my cabin.

I am no longer alone. I am at a naturist resort, with a naturist fangirl, and we are both nude.

This is a bad idea. At least, she doesn't have her phone.

I invite her to sit at my table, but she grabs a towel and sits on it.

"You should also sit on a towel, but it's your cabin, you do what you want"

"Thanks, I am new to this"

"No worries."

"How did you start?"

"Naturism or cooking?", she asks.


"Ah, my parents are naturist. We were usually nude at home, and visited naturist places"

"And how did they become naturists?"

"My grandparents are naturists. Well, they were naturists, in one case. My Dada died last year"

"My condolences"

"Thank you."

"So you are a 3rd generation naturist?"

"I like to say that, and add that I am a 4th generation nudist"

"What do you mean?"

"My father's grandmother was a hippie who spent most of her time nude. But she wasn't a naturist, just nude"

"There is a difference?"

"Well, yeah. Like respect the body of others, don't have physical contact between nude people, don't be lewd, look at people in the eyes, don't expose your nudity to others"

"Which ones did she break?"

"Mostly the first and last one, from what I understand. She died before I was born. And also, naturists like being nude, and she just, I guess, disliked wearing clothes? Like, I don't hate clothes, I just prefer not wearing any"

"Fair enough. But you've got the body for it"

"You too, and it's not about that. Take a walk tomorrow around the pool, you will see a lot of different body shapes"

I look at her. "I don't think I can do that"

"Sure, you can. Want to hang in the hot tub?"

I look at her again. "you are crazy"

"Come on. Grab a towel, I like to air dry after the hot tub."

I look at her like she is crazy.

"Listen, you can sulk all week cramped in here, or you can go outside, meet cool people who don't care what you look like, and just relax. You just lost your husband, so go socialize"

I look at her.

"Life is just so easy for you", I tell her.

"And it can be as easy for you. Just stand up, follow me to the hot tub, and let's relax in it. Your body will be hidden in the water, and we will talk as the sun sets. "

I preferred when I was still alone, at this naturist resort, wearing clothes.

But I follow her. Grabbing a towel.

She takes it from my hand. "May I?"

I nod, I have no idea what she is doing.

She folds it a little and then, places it on my shoulder.

"That way, you don't have to carry it. "

I shrug.

"Need me to hold your hand?", she says, as we are still around my table.

I look and she offers me her hand.

To my surprise, I took it, and followed her outside.

Where the sun is about to set.

There are people outside, but indeed, people barely pay attention to us. Wait, they don't pay attention to me?

I am outside, nude and terrified, at a naturist resort

She pulls me forward, and I realize that I am barefoot, and that she is too. I wasn't wearing socks, and I removed my shoes to remove my pants, and didn't put them back on.

In the hot tub is a woman, perhaps 60.

"Suzanne, this is Isabella, she is spending the week with us"

"How nice, happy to meet you!"

Layla gets in, and invites me too.

I have to admit, the temperature is perfect.

I am in a hot tub, nude, at a naturist resort, with two strangers.

"Suzanne, didn't you say that you like the Yellow Rabbit movie?", Layla says.

I hit Layla a little. I am the main actress in that stinker of a movie. My first time at the leading lady.

"I do, I don't know why people hate it. And that young actress, forgot her name, she was so good. Her boyfriend turned possessed, was horrible in it"

I admit. He was. "Yeah, he is the worst," I tell her.

"Have you seen it?", says Suzanne.

I smile. "I did"

"It's a shame. When I see that movie, I imagine that with a better male lead, and some better editing, it would be a fine horror movie"

"I liked her in Stacy Trax", says Layla.

"Oh, that was her?", says Suzanne

"Not Stacy, the final girl"

"D'uh, I know that, Layla. I am not blind, you know. I still have 20/20 vision. I am a little deaf, but not blind"

"Ok, fair enough."

"So, Isabella, what do you do for a living?", she says.

I look at her. Layla laughs.

"I work in the movie industry"

"That's wonderful! I worked as a makeup artist for years, but I retired last year"

We spoke for a few minutes, when a man Suzanne's age began walking toward us.

"Henry! There you are"

"Sorry, he wouldn't shut up"

I look at him. I normally see men nude only when having sex with them, or on a set where we are about to simulate some level of sex. If you saw Stacy Trax, my character finds a room filled with dead naked men, and runs away, but as an actress, I didn't actually see the room. If you notice, I am not visible in the shot. It was a closed set of the models, not that I would have minded, two of them were cute. and I was single then.

But Henry isn't here for sex. He is just nude because he is a nudist. A naturist. I did see the guy at the reception desk, but briefly, and I wasn't close to him after I realized he was nude and not topless.

As I see Henry approach, I realize the difference between nude and naked. Earlier, my co-start and my ex-husband were naked on the bed. Henry, is nude. He isn't joining the hot tub to have sex with Suzanne, or Layla, or me.

Henry, that's Isabella. She works in the movie industry! Isabella, Henry, my husband. He is an investment banker, and had a call with a client"

"Nice to meet you, Isabella. The client had to share his fishing stories from last weekend, but I hate fishing!"

"You don't hate fishing with me", says Suzanne, as he settled next to her.

I am nude, in a hot tub, with a married couple older than my parents, and a girl younger than me, and we are all nude.

"If you notice, I don't actually fish. I just talk to you"

"Oh yeah."

He turns to Layla. "Those chicken wings were the best. I prefer when you do them"

"Thanks. Isabella had some too", she says. Henry turns to me.

"Aren't they the best?", he tells me.

I smile. "Yeah, they were great, and I am not a chicken wings gal."

"If you visit here and her Layla's wings, you will", he says. "Hey, are your parents still coming here next weekend?"

"They are"

"I need to help your father with one of his investments. He thinks that because it lost value, he should sell it, I think he should double down"

I laugh. "Buy when low, sell when high", I tell him.

"See, she gets it. I get that is scared, but it's my job to reassure him"

"you could call him, you know?"

"And not play pool with him?"

Layla laugh.

"There is a pool table?", I ask. My now ex loved pool and we had a table. Well, he still does. I didn't like pool, but he made it fun, Notably with some strip pool, or just with him touching me a lot to show me tips. I liked that. I wonder, did he or was just a lie?"

"Yeah, in the rec center. We also have a bowling alley, but the pin setter broke years ago, so we need to set them up manually"

"They put stickers to help", says Isabella.

"I guess I check out the rec center" after this

"I'll hang out with you, if you want", says Layla

I look at her. I've met fan girls, and fanboys, but I usually don't like those... Layla doesn't behave much like a fan girl. She sticks around, but isn't like, asking me a ton of random questions. Well, not anymore.


"So, hubby, ready to turn in?", asked Suzanne

"But I just got in the hot tub"

"You would have brought the call here"

"You know I don't like talking to clients in the open. It's confidential"

"I know. But I need to pee, and I am thirsty, and a little hot from the water."

"Ok, let's go, it was a pleasure to meet you, Isabella. I hope you visit more. We need younger people for this place to survive", says Henry.

Once we can't see them, I turn to Layla.

"She saw me in my movies, and didn't recognize me?"

"People don't really look at each other. We just, accept each other"

"But you did"

"Sure, but you were dressed"


"Isabella, you have a very distinctive clothing style"

I laugh. "Maybe I should launch my own clothing brand"

"You should. Don't you read the threads under your posts? People try to find what you wear around, and you seem to shop all over the place"

I laugh again, "I have access to the wardrobe department of the movies I work in. I became friends with them. They know my style, and thy find me obscure pieces"

"And you get to keep them?"

"I put a close in my contract. I can buy for cost anything bought for me that I didn't wear in the movie."

"But those you wore?"

"Well, that depends on the production company. Many will auction them off to fans to add revenue, and often, like the main dress I wear is sponsored so it needs to go back"

"Like the one in lies from the gallery?"

I laugh.

"Yeah, that was a unique piece. It had real diamonds in it, which it why it was sparkling, but the one torn apart when I was stabbed, is a replica"

"Wow. movie magic."

"Shall we get out and see that rec center?"

We get out, and I dry myself, while Layla just lets the water drip. At least, our hair is dry.

"Shall I show you around a little, so I dry more?"

It's dark, we are two nude women, and my first reaction is to ask her if she is crazy.

But I accepted, and I saw the pool in more details, the kiddie pool, which is heated too.

I am talking a walk, nude, at a naturist resort.

We walk, and it's rather dark, but eventually, she makes me wait as she gets into her small cabin to do dry herself.

The door isn't closed, and I can see her drying herself, so I just, well, step in.

"Can I just use the restroom?"

She smiles. "Sure", she says, but she points to the toilet which is just in corner of the room.


"I'll turn my back"

She does, but it still takes me some time to relieve my bladder, but then I do, I wipe and I flush.

I am peeing, nude, with another nude girl in front of me, at a naturist resort.

"All done"

Layla turns back and smiles.

"Wow, I don't want to sound like a fan girl, but you have no idea how amazing it is to see you in my cabin"

"Why are you my fan? I mean, what do you like about me? Why me? I mean... I am not that remarkable"

She sits on her bed. I sat next to her.

"But you are. Like, I read about lies from the gallery. It's a great movie. I know, it wasn't a box office hit, but like, I heard how you read the script, and accepted the role only if you took a more active role"

"Well, I am the one who gets stabbed, don't I want the truth? Why should I trust Kevin to solve it"

"Exactly. And in Stacy Trax, I heard you asked to remove the crying scene after Frank gets killed"

"I did. My character trying to just stay alive, she is on adrenaline. She expresses her anger that he died, but it's not the time to break down. We had a deleted scene of my crying over him, but test audiences felt it was frivolous"

"When you are in a movie, your characters show a strength, that more female leads don't. Like in Vanessa Henry's last movie, The broken vase, she is basically useless"

"I haven't seen it yet"

"Weren't you at the premiere?"

"I... he is my husband's ex. She texted me earlier"

"No way. Did you reply to her?"

"And say what? Hey, I now know that you are gay, and I have no ill will toward you, let's be friends", I say, sarcastically.

"Why not? Maybe people in the industry avoid casting you together, and you lose movie deals."

"She is professional. "

She smiles.

"Ok, I'll go text her, but then, bowling and pool"

"Yes, I am good at bowling, but suck at pool", she says. I laugh. I am the opposite.

She ends up coming with me. I decide to text her back, but Layla respects my boundaries and stays a little away.

"I would like that. And perhaps to meet with Greta, if you are still with her. I bear no ill will toward you. I never did. I am away this week, but perhaps next week? Oh, and ask Greta if she knows Layla, the cook"

I put my phone down, and we quickly made it to the rec center.

Calling it a bowling alley is generous. It makes me think of the one on the cruise ship that Luke took me after we both finished a movie on the say week. Not the same one, but still, it's rare we have downtime at the same time.

I think, was that deliberate? So he could see Jack? It's possible. Anyway, the ship wasn't new, and the bowling alley was in a bad shape.

This one, is worse. It doesn't even have the automatic ball return, but it does have a sort of container at the back with the bowling balls.

Now, I am not good at the small bowling balls, those that do not have holes in them and the pins are smaller. I am worse with the big ones, but even if Layla smokes me, we have fun. I admit it.

I sometimes glance at the two older couples playing a card game on the other site of the room, but no one pays attention to us.

At pool, it's me who smokes Layla, but I give her some pointers, we play a second game, and as I make suggestion which moves to make, she gets better. I still beat her easily. But not as badly.

A young couple came to go bowling, they are barely older than I am, and while Layla plays, I looked a little at them.

One weird thing occurred, however.

I didn't mind being nude, and I didn't mind my breasts were sagging a little. And my stomach? Well, it's fine. And my hips too.

I don't know, it feels like I am more comfortable in my body as time goes on.

I just made a new friend, and we played games, nude, at a naturist resort.

By the time I turned in my cabin, I realized that maybe I was over critical of my body.

Vanessa replied to me

"I am still with Greta, she just texted you. Layla is a friend of hers. Are you with Layla? Wow. I'll invite you to Jason's place. It's a nice, quiet bistro. Tell me when, and we will have the place for just the two of us"

I text her back. "It can be three if you want to bring Greta. "

I got a heart right away, and I scan my texts from unknown numbers, until I spot. "Hi Isabella, it's Greta Henry"

Vanessa texts me back. "We would love that", but I see that Greta sent a few more messages. I add her to my contacts.

I skim them more than I read them. In short, she admits coming to Layla's play to recharge from the pressure of LA, but doesn't admit what the place is, or what it's about.

"I hung out with Layla all evening. In the hot tub with Suzanne and her husband, and then, bowling and pool table"

She replies. "Oh my God! Suzanne was my makeup artist! Her husband is my investment guy. I love that place. I hope you find some peace with the bullshit with your husband. For the record, when he began dating you, both Vanessa and I told him to tell you the truth. He said he would, when the time was right, and he basically cut us from his life"

"I believe you! I am in cabin 29"

"Oh my God, that's my usual one too."

I smile.

"I am in the bedroom on the left, right now"

"I usually sleep on the one on the right. We have to spend a weekend together at some point. I'll pay"

"Vanessa doesn't come?"

"Vanessa is a chickenshit"

I sent a lol

I got a text from Vanessa, who says. "I am not a chickenshit"

So I decide to break the rules, and I call Greta.

"She says she isn't a chickenshit. She just needs a more active vacation", says Greta, laughing. I can hear Vanessa laughing too.

"Hi girls. I hope you didn't hate me or something when I married Luke?"

"Hell no. The tabloids greatly imagined a feud between us. We didn't want to comment because we hated what Luke was doing to you", says Vanessa.

"Do neither of you ever had sex with him, right?"

"Nope. We are both 100% gay", says Vanessa.

"Hey, I am like 98% gay", says Greta

"Fine. But she didn't like Luke, or Jack."

"And he is back home in Iowa and married to his neighbors", says Greta

"So how did you two girls meet?"

And slowly, I was talking to them, as if they were long-lost friends.

And two days later, Greta came, we hung out with Layla. I had never really met Greta other than crossing each other on the red carpet, but that day, I had a blast.

She stayed that night in the other room, but we spent hours talking on the bet. About Luke. About Vanessa, about the resort. About Layla, even. About naturism.

Greta was envious of my thighs, I was envious of her breasts. We were both envious of Vanessa's stomach.

"She almost starves herself, not that we don't do it, but she can be a little extreme."

"And you love her?"


"I am happy for you two. I hope to find someone who truly loves me"

"Fuck that shit. I hope you learn to truly love yourself, Isabella. Until you do, you will be stuck with men like Luke. It's only when I began to fully accept myself for who I was, that I could get close to Vanessa."

I looked at her, and I hugged her.

I think I needed to hear that.

I'll admit, when my week was out, I was sad to leave, but I promised Layla I would be back.

We had a blast, the three of us at Jason's place. He owns an unlisted restaurant only famous people eat at. If the secrecy doesn't turn you off, the price will...

Jack was indeed fired from the movie, and I got to sit at the auditions for his replacement, a guy I ended up dating. I know, I am predictable. But that's another story. One in which he gets to meet Layla. One in which he is fully committed to me. And one in which I learn to love myself.

I am a good person, I like my body, and I enjoy spending time at a naturist resort.

And that's all right.