The secret beach!
A 14 year old teenager and his twin sister discover a naturist center by accident while on vacation in a boring cottage with their Mother
The secret beach
May,10 2009
My 14th Birthday was a disaster since my dad had a fatal car accident on the drive home from work. What makes it even worse is that since my sister is a fraternal twin, there is now a day in the calendar, February 9th, which everyone in the family hates.
Every time my sister or I get older, it's a reminder to both of us of the loss of our father, and for our mother, of the day she became a widow.
That year, we needed to put our house on sale to survive the big reduction in family income, since it was my father who had the big career.
We had moved out of state for my father's job, leaving both our families behind but we were now in a quandary. Do we move back and lose all our friends but gain support of our families or remain here in an apartment where at least, my mother knew she had a job ?
Fortunately, our next door neighbours Frank and Mindy helped us a lot. Frank had lost his mother the year before and my father had decided to mow his lawn to help them out.
This year, they both helped us prepare the house for the sale. Frank even painted the asphalt to renew it, without even asking us. Mindy prepared a few meals for us, and was always there to listen to our worries.
Thanks to them, we were able to sell quickly and for a good price, giving us a nice security cushion. They were also there to help us move.
Once we were settled, we tried to return the favour a few times by offering to help them, but Frank admitted that what my father did was more than help.
You see, when Frank's mother died, the last of his family was gone. He felt alone and isolated. When his neighbour started to mow the lawn without being asked, he once again had the impression of being loved, in a certain way, by someone other than his wife.
After that admission, our relationship with them was never the same. It seamed to grow every time we met them. We learned they had wanted a few children, but that Mindy was infertile.
In June, they offered us to use the cottage in the wood Frank inherited from his mother. Frank didn't want to go because he was afraid it would remind him of his mother.
We spent an afternoon on the last Saturday of June. It was an old cabin without electricity, but there was a solar panel on the roof for recharging a set of batteries used for lights.
It was on the side of a small lake, but there wasn't a beach, only an old wooden dock.
The cottage was completely isolated, and the lake completely surrounded by trees. As far as we could see, this was the only cottage on the lake, the lake was narrow and irregular, so we couldn't see it all.
The next week-end, we went back, bringing an ice box and staying a little longer. The place was really quiet, but from time to time we could hear music or faint voices from the other side of the lake, far on the right.
There wasn't much to do. In fact, there was nothing to do but read books and relax. I swam a little in the lake, but my sister and my mom decided not to. That was pretty much our day.
But it helped us get over the loss of my father.
At some point in July, we decided to rent a small rowboat from the nearby city so we could explore the lake.
My mother preferred to stay in the cottage, but my sister and I left almost as soon as we arrived early in the morning and the boat was in the water.
It was a little complicated to steer at first, but the lack of current and my patience finally let me become an expert sailor.
After only a few minutes of exploration, we found a nice small beach after a 90 degrees turn in the lake. A garbage can was on the beach and a small floating platform about 40 feet from the beach, so I presumed instantly this was the source of the music and voices we could hear from time to time. It was currently deserted and cold, but my sister and I decided we would return later in the afternoon with our bathing suits.
We continued exploring the lake, only to discover that most of the lake was surrounded by rocks and woods, with the beach and the cottage being the only places we could dock the rowboat.
When my sister and I did return that hot afternoon, we were initially shocked. There were indeed people on the beach and swimming in the water, but to our surprise, none of them were wearing bathing suits.
Each of the perhaps 30 beachgoers were entirely naked. We could spot a few kids, some young adults and the balance was composed of people over forty.
We had of course heard of nudists. Who hadn't ? But to suddenly come face to face to such a group comes as a shock.
We weren't the only ones surprised. Once we were spotted, one of the older man waved at us and pointed toward the floating platform. He quickly swam to it and introduced himself as Michael, operator of the naturist center which owned the beach.
I explained we borrowed the cottage on the lake, while my sister was trying to look as far away as could to avoid seeing the man's genitals.
We were told they would leave us alone, but we were politely asked to respect their privacy.
"It just sad the only beach on the lake is private", I commented. "We only have an old wooden dock from which to swim."
"You are welcome to come on our beach anytime you want, since we have to share the lake. But nudity is mandatory on our property. I am sorry for that. We have electricity and a phone, so if you have any problems, you can come talk to me or one of our members, but unless you undress, you'll need to stay in your rowboat. We can't prevent you from using your rowboat in this part of the lake, but please, don't take pictures of us. That would be illegal."
"Don't worry... we'll respect your privacy. We didn't know the beach wasn't public".
We parted ways and returned home, explaining everything to our mother. After a few minutes of surprise, everyone was laughing about it which was a welcomed change of mood from our usual brooding.
The three of us made a few jokes during the rest of the afternoon, such as "Where do they put their money ?", but I realized that not one of us really seemed offended.
That night, I dreamed a lot of the beach, so when I woke up really early in the morning, I decided to go take a swim in the lake. Without my bathing suit.
My sister and my mom were still both sound asleep, so I figured I'd try it. I must admit the sensation of not having a bathing on in the water was rather liberating. I felt free, a little like taking a bath, but with the ability to swim in all directions.
Unfortunately, my sister seemed to have just as much trouble sleeping, since she too woke up earlier than usual. Still in her pyjama, she came on the dock to hail me, and sat her legs in the water.
"How do you manage to swim in such cold water ?"
"It's better than coffee for waking up."
"Couldn't sleep either ?"
"Nope. Did you have a lot of dreams too ?"
"Yeah, I guess. Do you want to take a ride on the row boat before mom wakes up ?"
"Sure. Could be fun"
She just stood there, looking at me. I soon realized she was waiting for me to get out of the water, but she didn't know I wasn't wearing a bathing suit. I needed a diversion to get her away from the dock.
"Could you bring me a glass of water please ?"
"We'll bring water bottles on the boat if you want. Come, let's go"
I weighed my options and simply decided on simplicity. I got out of the water, picked my towel, and dried myself while trying to avoid looking at my sister.
I simply noticed she didn't say anything. I wrapped my towel around my waist and we both walked back to the cottage.
I put on my bathing suit, a t-shirt and some sandals in the bathroom while my sister got dressed in her room. I got finished before she did, so I prepared a towel for her as well as 4 water bottles and some sunscreen.
When she got out, she thanked me for the towel, and commented that perhaps we could use the beach since this early in the morning, it would be deserted and they wouldn't even know we came.
I agreed, and less than 10 minutes later, we were alone on the beach. We left our towels and water bottles in the row boat, as to not leave anything on the beach itself, and I left my sandals and t-shirt in it too.
With only my bathing suit on, I jumped in the water, and realized that having a sandy bottom making swimming a lot more enjoyable. In front of the dock by the cottage, the lake is too deep to reach the bottom.
When I turned around to relate the fact to my sister, I noticed that she had removed her shirt and her shorts, but that she wasn't wearing a bathing suit or underwear under her clothes. Without either of us saying anything, I looked at her jump in the water, and a few seconds later, my wet bathing suit was resting in the bottom of the row boat.
After more than 5 or 10 minutes had elapsed, she simply said. "When I saw you coming out of the water naked this morning, I thought that if you could do it, I should also be able to do it."
At first, we stayed away from each other. We hadn't been naked together since we were young kids, and certainly not since puberty.
But after a while, we were once again comfortable enough to throw water at each other. I even picked her up and threw her further away in the water. We both ended up laughing and any awkwardness that was originally present had now dissolved.
After a little while, we sat on the beach, on our towels, and shared our feelings about the experience. Both of us rather enjoyed it for now, if only for the opportunity to be on the only available beach on the lake.
While we were talking, we were greeted by a family, as naked as we were, who sat down not far from us. The parents where in the late twenties, and they also had a son, perhaps seven, and a daughter, who was four or five years old.
At first, we avoided them, but we rather quickly started a conversation with them. Paul and Nathalie usually spend their summer week-ends at this naturist center, but otherwise are rather ordinary people. In their house, everyone is clothed like every other family.
They dispelled a few misconception about their lifestyle and even shared a small snack of carrots and celeries.
It felt a little weird at first to take food from a naked lady, but their hint of only looking people in the eyes really helped make me at ease.
Eventually, and not before making a sand castle with their son Adam, we both returned to the rowboat and sailed back home for breakfast.
Reluctantly, we got dressed back up to return to the cottage for the benefit of our mother, but this time, the dressing was made while we were talking about the experience.
We both decided to return later today and it appears we both loved the experience. Breakfast with our mother was a little tense, but all we could do it look forward to the rest of the day.
Suddenly, I felt like my summer was really looking up !