Sophie's World!
Jack and Tim finally think that they found a woman to be the main star of their new reality show about a textile teacher get a job to teach in a naturist school
Episode #2: Sophie's World
May,04 2011
Tim and I interviewed over 300 candidates for our new reality TV show.
Candidates were simply told that they would have to teach one full semester to a small school with kids from grade 1 to 6 and that they would have all their expenses paid.
They would live in a house supplied to them and would have to stay there without leaving for the duration of the TV show but that if they succeeded, they got to keep the house free of charge.
They were even shown pictures of the modest house which had been professionally prepared to make it look better than it actually was.
But, like they were told, if they succeeded, they would have the option for a second season and possibly, the road to glory on television.
In all cases, they would win: they would get a real teaching job which was something hard to get by in today's society for a new graduate, and they would get a house free of charge with the possibility of an acting career.
That's why we received so many potential candidates.
We knew that part of the success of the show would have been on the sex-appeal of the teacher so we had to let go roughly 3/4 of all of the girls who didn't fit into our standards of beauty.
That may have felt cruel, but it's the sad truth of television: if you are not thin and pretty, you don't belong in the spotlight.
We also eliminated the girls who dressed a little too revealing because we wanted the initial transition to naturism to be rather brutal so that the conflict would attract non-naturist viewers sympathising with our star forced to live like the "evil naturists".
Anything for rating, really...
But we didn't want those who were too prude or religious, because our final goal was to see the selected girl adapt to the situation and live happily in the naturist resort, as to not offend our base viewers.
It was a thin line and we had thought that Sophie fitted the position perfectly, especially since she barely had any family and they lived on the other side of the country.
During the interview, she had admitted that one of her "wildest adventures" had been skinny dipping with friends as a teen, showing open-mindedness to our cause but at the same time, she buttoned her blouse all of the way to the top and seemed to try and hide her feminine side.
We explained that we needed a photo-shoot for the network and she accepted to pause in a skimpy bikini, making us think that she was the perfect girl for us.
And so, we casted her, made her sign her contracts and even made her make a few promo shoot for "Sophie's world", while neglecting to mention the particularity of the school.
Sophie was asked to come into our local network affiliate office on a Sunday morning with the expectations that she wouldn't return until the shooting would be done.
Nervous, Tim and I entered the conference room where Sophie was anxiously waiting for us to give her the details of her assignment. Two cameramen were already filming the scene because this would actually be in the opening of the reality show.
"Hello Sophie, we are happy you have come so far and promise that all of the preparations are coming to an end. If all goes well today, you will move to your new house tonight and teach your first day of school tomorrow with 14 wonderful kids eager to meet you."
"I can't wait to meet them either. I am so excited. All my life I wanted to be a teacher and this is the first job opportunity I am getting since I graduated. I would like to thank you for trusting me. I won't fail you"
"Wonderful! We will be able to transport you there tonight, but we must first settle the issue of your uniform."
"Uniform? I know a lot of schools impose a uniform to its students, but from what you told me, I would be the only teacher so I didn't understand there would be a uniform"
"Yes, there is one sadly. This is the single detail we neglected to mention. The school is in a naturist resort. The house you will occupy is too"
"Wait, what? This is a school for naturists? Who could you! I can't teach to kids if I am naked"
"Well, they will be naked too. It's their lifestyle"
Sophie stood up.
"No, no, no... I can't do this. Sorry, it's impossible. I can't teach to kids while I am naked, and you guys wanted to show this on TV? You want to show me naked on TV?? Wait, you want to show naked kids on TV? Are you sick or something?"
Damn it, it looks like we had failed miserably.
"You admitted to having skinny dipped in your youth..."
"Yeah, in my free time. Skinny dipping or even vacationing at a naturist resort is one thing. Teaching kids in one is another. I can't get their respect and command authority if I am naked. Sorry, I can't do it"
"This has nothing to do with it. There are other naturist schools in America and the teachers are naked too"
"Yeah, but they are naturists. I am not. I can't stand naked in front of that class tomorrow and get respected. Sorry, I am out"
And with that, she simply walked out on us. Damn it, what had we done?
"Tim, what's the name of our second choice. Can she make it fast enough to shoot tomorrow?"
"It's Susanna Kramer. She's a local, and she wants to make it big on television. We can have her do the promos in an hour or two and meet her after lunch."
"Why didn't we pick her?"
"No mention of skinny dipping in her past. She cuter, well, you thought so. I preferred Sophie."
"Yeah, well Sophie is out. Get Susanna and find a third girl in case Susanna freaks out too."