I am relieved!

In the evening after the Volleyball game, Bob writes back.

Episode #8: I am relieved

Mar,19 2025

Hi Bob,

I am so relieved, and I want to apologize for the paranoia. I have no doubt that your penis size isn't an issue for Linda, I was just afraid that it might cause you issues, and it seems that I wasn't completely wrong.

Do you want me to come over to you house to balance things over? Do you want to try again at ours?

The ball is always in your camp, Bob. We aren't pushing you to do anything.

But, let it be known the Essie is thrilled that Linda is willing to talk about their Overton window. I am glad things are great between you too.

Linda can call Essie tonight, any time she wants. You guys have kids, we don't, so Essie will be standing by for when Linda can shift from mama bear mode to best friend mode.

PS: tomorrow, be careful, Jill is trying to shift the blame away from her mistake last Friday and Ricky just emailed me that perhaps, she will try to blame you.

On Sunday, June 30th 2024 at 5:47pm, Robert Walton wrote:

Hi Peter,

Ok, first, we spent the day at my in-laws, with my kids. It's my mother-in-law's birthday and she wanted some time with her grandchildren. We were there, with no plan to get to the volleyball game at all, when Linda proposed we eclipsed ourselves to try it.

Now, I was against, but not because of the public nudity, I was starting to realize I should try it sooner rather than later. No, the real reason is that I felt it was impolite for my in-laws.

We decided to stay only 15 minutes, but as you saw, we stayed about an hour and then, had to run so we wouldn't get scolded. We were fine but we couldn't talk to you on the phone all afternoon because we were with them, you know?

No worries, last week, it was Linda spinning out because she was worried about something she told Essie. The only reason you didn't hear about it, is that I called her down, saying that Essie, is cooler than both of us. You didn't have that luxury, you were both spinning out, and I apologize.

You hit the nail on the head however. The only adult penis I saw recently were either yours, or from, well, porn shots. It's not exactly self-confidence boosting you know? Not that Linda ever complained, but you know, limp and erect are different things? Sorry if this was inappropriate, but like, you've seen mine.

I don't know, maybe I am spinning out.

On another note, Linda is thrilled to have heard about the Overton window, and yes, she was afraid to open up about sexual talk because Essie didn't.

As for what Linda couldn't tell me, it's more complicated than that. It's not that she couldn't talk to me, it's that I wasn't listening enough. We are good, really solid, and this morning, after your email, we talked a lot. Sorry I didn't reply. We had to get the kids ready to run to my in-laws before I could answer.

And yeah, as polite and intelligent they are, nothing can make a kid go fast when they are still half asleep.

Plus, thanks you two, it's even harder to get them dressed in the morning. Or maybe it's in my head.

If Essie has time, Linda might call her tonight, but otherwise, they can call tomorrow.

Thanks for being a friend
