Re: My kids and naturism!

In this fourth email to Bob, the writer answers a question about kids and naturism.

Episode #4: Re: My kids and naturism

Feb,26 2025

Hi Bob,

I fully understand your question, believe me! Both my wife and I were raised with some level of naturism in our lives, more so for my wife than me, but still.

I can start by telling you about statistics. It appears that children who experience social nudity in a naturist settings have better self-esteem and are sexually active on average up to 2 years later than textile kids.

You have a son and a daughter, they are both very young, so you aren't thinking about their sexual activities yet, and I can't blame you. But Bob, your daughter is 7. In just 7 more years, she will have her puberty, on average, and will start being interested in boys.

It's normal. What isn't normal, is that if she has any curiosity as to what the body of a boy looks like, she needs to turn to pornography or sex. Why such an extreme? Pornography consumed by teenagers, I am convinced of it, grooms them into non-healthy sexual ideas.

Neither Essie nor I really watch pornography, since when we tried, we found the way women are usually treated appalling. Enough to make us give up on that medium.

But teenagers don't know better. For them, it's reality, it's how women are to be treated. Can you imagine the confusion of teenage girls, who read romance novellas and expect a prince charming, but instead get close to a porn addicted boy their age? We want kids, and this isn't something I am looking forward to handling, but your kids are going to get there first.

But like, if that happens, it's not even the boy's fault. He, too, is unable to satisfy his curiosity, his desire to see the female form other than via pornography or sexuality.

With naturism, that's one aspect that teenagers and even kids don't worry about. I was a lot less interested in "nudie magazines" and gone wild websites, simply because I grew up as a part-time naturist. Essie had it even better. The human body held no secrets for her, including all the stages of the human development.

There is an old-time naturist cartoon. Young boys are trying to peek at a naturist resort, so one is on the shoulders of the other. The one at the bottom asks: "Well, are there women?", and the one on top answers: "I don't know, they don't have any clothes on!"

This general lack of understanding of the human body, I am convinced, lets to future pathologies.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not tying to get you to convert your kids to naturism. I am not! If they did come, you would save on babysitting, but ultimately, it's your choice. I am simply answering your question (or is it Linda's question? She didn't ask Essie on the phone, but maybe she was too shy).

Speaking of on the phone, Essie wants me to tell you how grateful she is for having met Linda. My wife doesn't make friends easily. Sure, the radical naturism is in the way, but I think my wife is simply guarded when it comes to personal relationship. I am more outgoing, so we make a good pair.

But in Linda, Essie thinks she found a true friend. I rarely hear my wife laugh so much when talking on the phone. Linda has a wonderfully wholesome sense of humor with great timing. She also has a lot of empathy. I am convinced it makes her a fantastic mother.

Let me tell you, my friend, you married well too. In your email, you gave me plenty of compliments on Essie, and let me return you the favor, now that I know for sure that you are as monogamous as we are.

We look forward to your next visit, but as a reminder, I can visit your home, but Essie will not be coming, even if you let her undress on arrival. The reality, is that she doesn't want to put on clothes for the commute.

Now, this is usually where our attempted friendships end. Most people have this idea that friendships, need to alternate between houses. You ate supper at our place, we need to come to your place next.

Well, we can't. I can, but Essie is, well, her. She has no problem if you want to bring food to reheat at our home, so you are inviting us to supper in our own kitchen. She also has no problem with us cooking each time, or even ordering food, either from the resort restaurant or for delivery from outside.

My wife has a restriction on her movement, but is open to compromise on everything else. I hope you understand, she likes Linda (and you to be fair) too much to just lose you as friends on such a trivial social norm.

Well, trivial according to us. It might be crucial for you, but I have no control of your own values.

Again, if there is a next time, the same routine can be followed with you simply driving to our house, and remaining clothed. We still have a few free visitor coupons, and Essie wanted to talk about getting guests over which only stay in our house. Maybe a deal can be made, it's our house after all.

BTW, I sent you an invitation for a meeting tomorrow morning, it's Jake who asked me to talk to you about Kyle's project. He might need help, and we thought you might be the perfect person.