thank you for last night!!

A third email from the series "Why being married to a radical naturism wife is awesome", which was planned as a standlone

Episode #3: thank you for last night!

Nov,23 2019

Hi Bob,

First of all, thank you very much for last night! My wife and I had a lot of fun with you two and I seriously hope you will consider visiting us again in the future.

We can't wait to have more of that delicious pie that Linda cooked and we are very grateful she left it to us at the end of the evening.

While you and I were talking in the living room, Linda and Essie were talking in the kitchen and the echos I got from Essie after you left are very positive. I don't know what Linda thought, but Essie felt as if they had been long lost friend reconnecting!

It's refreshing to see people as open as we are on the perspective of others and no, to answer your parting question, we are not disappointed neither of you two undressed.

When I sent my first email, it was truly and honestly so you could understand my lifestyle and not to convert you and your wife. We were in fact very surprised when you called me yesterday to get the directions!

I do know that Linda left her phone number to Essie and my wife plans to call her this morning to discuss "between girls" about her feelings about yesterday, just be warned...

But it's all good. The both of us really enjoyed your company and I couldn't believe our luck when you saw our boardgames and announced that like that too! We had a ton of fun with you guys: most of the residents of the resort aren't really fans of boardgames.

If you ever come by again, don't hesitate to bring some of your own.

I know the both of you like some of the same sports as we do, but sadly since this is not a clothing optional resort, we'll have to just talk about it. I am game to play badminton against you at you gym however! I just have to shop for appropriate clothes...

You told me yesterday that you ended up not having an erection when seeing my wife, so yeah. You can see there is nothing sexual about it!

I'm telling you, every fear either of you expressed (except the sunburn on private parts one) are entirely unfounded.

No one will ever laugh at either of you if you tried it. No one would judge you, make a comment about your body hair, your private parts, anything like that.

Some places do have rules against genital piercings but I didn't pay attention for here. If you are ever tempted to try and do have such piercings, better call ahead. Please note that it wouldn't matter to either of us.

Sunburn can be a bitch though. Women's breasts and genitals are usually not exposed to the sun so they get a sunburn easily the first few times.

Just out more sunscreen on them and don't stay too long under the sun.

Anyway, I am rambling. The point is, we had fun and hope to see both of you again.

I was afraid when you called that you would end up somehow resenting me or something like that. I heard from a now ex-friend something like "no one wants to see their friend's dick or the **** of their girlfriend". I'll let you imagine the word I censored.

Such opinion really make it hard to socialize among non naturists.

That's why yesterday was so refreshing!

I just hope that tomorrow at work, nothing will be weird between us. In case you are worried, you are the only person at the office who knows about our lifestyle, but perhaps it would be best if we didn't mention last night in case it ever blows up in your face.

I don't mind it that much if I am outed, but I wouldn't want anything to fall on you.

Say hi to Linda for us and have a wonderful afternoon!

Ps: you can call me if you want, but we don't have pockets so often we are hard to reach when we are out of the house. Do leave a message.