My Life So Far episodes now redirect to the new website from this site

My Life So Far episodes now redirect to the new website from this site

Feb,24 2025

The current site has the tendency to "eat" lines and thus produce text that is incomplete. It's why episode 5 is marked as "fixed" on this site, as a whole pane of text was missing.

But there are other lines that subtly are hidden, but in theory, they should work on the new site.

As such, I have redirected all the My Life So Far articles to the new site.

This isn't the end of this site. We have more stories we want to write, and as we have a huge buffer on My Life So Far, we might have time to write them.

However, this is possible the end of THIS site.

Let me explain

This site was made in 2006 by a contributor.

Did ever share the history of this site? I don't think so...

Ok, so back in 2004 and 2005, I was in a now defunct group where people shared nudist stories.

I'll be honest, I was there for naturist stories, most of the people were there for ENF (enforced nude female stories).

I was in almost daily talk with Nemo, who wrote How Kristen Spent her Summer Vacation. He was sad his story was the most popular of the group, but he didn't know how to put it online.

I shared my "A twist of faith" story, and it was well received.

I have a business, in that business, I needed a website for it. So I paid a company to make and host my website.

I got a quote for making the naturist fiction website. It was like, super cheap, so I paid them to do it, only to realize that the company, was just one guy.

That's fine, my company is a single guy...

Only, that guy, enjoyed my stories. For while, he helped me more than what I was officially paying him.

I continued, until one day, my domain name expired and the guy had vanished. I managed to get everything back: he didn't do the hosting or registration himself, he was just a reseller.

From that point on, I had no way to edit the site, to fix issues, and well, this was when my daughter was having issues.

I let it slide.

More recently, I began tweaking it, and learned some PHP. I made the new site. on my own, over a weekend.

So, now, I am thinking of making a new website for the naturist-fiction website, on my own.

I would reuse some of the code from the new site, and the same database so no content would be lost.

It would take longer, we have categories, a bigger menu, etc...

But it would be done, probably after the summer.

We want to write a ton of My Life So Far before the summer comes, and well, perhaps enjoy some naturism outside this summer.

Plus, I am doing a very lucrative contract that will end in June, so my time isn't as flexible as before....

So, this site might enjoy a relaunch, and now, the "my life so far" episodes might work better on the new site.

I think it's all good news!