My life so far

Newest story on the site, co-created by the founder and his now adult daugther. You can find the newest entries at It is a coming of age story of a 12 year girl discovering her family are naturists

My life so far, episode 1: the photo album

In this first installment, Julie discovers that she grew up a naturist and then, was forced in a textile world. Most of that installment was written by the daughter of the administrator, with some details added in collaboration with her father.

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My life so far. Episode 2: The first visit

Most of this installment was directly inspired by the recent visit of my daughter to a naturist activity for the first time in years, and from my daughter browsing our naturist magazines. I helped making it a little more coherent, but this was mostly by herself, at least, the ideas. Except for the idea to have author Julie express her opinion. That was mine.

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My life so far, episode 4: Nude with my parents

Julie decides to try naturism with her parents. This is another episode written in separate steps between father and daughter. The ribs for example, came from the father, a lot of the rest from his daughter.

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My life to far, episode 7: Morning ritual

One of the first fully collaborative episodes. Julie wakes up and goes on her day. A nice episode where not much occurs in term of action but a lot for Julie. She also admits not being that reliable. I wonder if this will come in play later?

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My life so far, episode 8: The ride

Finally the bike ride and the creek! This was one of the first ideas my daughter had, and before you ask, no, it's not auto-biographical. Well, some of the details of the bike ride are inspired by real life events (in a non naturist setting). It's also the last chapter with only the 6 original characters.

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My life so far, episode 9: Teenagers

Finally, Lucy and Clark are introduced! These are 2 non-resident teenage naturists who help Julie form a template as to what being a teenager and being in a relationship is like.
They do not live at the resort, and initially, they are never seen outside of the resort, so that we don't see them often. But they are important for Julie's development, and are based on a textile teenager that helped my daughter grow up.
PS: the pinball machine is all fictional.

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My life so far, Episode 11: Volleyball with friends

Finally, the volleyball match. Not much to say, but it introduces something my daughter wanted to put in the story: the rules of cool. We get to see Julie trying to figure out what it means to be cool. Some foreshadowing for like, episodes 120 or something, and for episodes 13 and 14.

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My Life So Far Episode 13: Family discussion

And finally, the first plot point of the novel! If you think that Naturism was the main story, you were wrong. It's the settings. This episode introduces the main plot point. The character arc for our main character. This was planned from the start, before it was even about Naturism!

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My life so far, episode 14: Medical Talk

In this chapter, Julie discovers that she might have a medical problem, which well, the co-author of this book suffered from. This is in part why my daughter retreated from naturism as a teenager.

Her goal, when initially drafting this book, was to talk about her problems, but as writing began, Julie diverted a lot from what she suffered and the character took a life of her own.

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My life so far, episode 16: Portal

In this episode, Julie plays portal for the first time. In the real life, I ended up showing my daughter how to play, but she didn't do as well as Julie did.
One of the longest episodes, but it's also a lot of description of a video game, so we thought, my daughter and I, that we shouldn't cut it in half.

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My life so far, episode 18: The warehouse and the trailer

This episode was delayed because neither of us ended up liking the way it turned out. Still, we couldn't really fix it. Next chapter will be the medical visit, so at least, it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
The trailer will make more appearances, and is important for the future of the story.

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My life so far, Episode 19: Medical visit

So, this episode is late. I was under strict orders not to publish it until my daughter, who wrote most of it, had the chance to review it, and college is more intense than planned. But here it is, finally.

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My life so far, Episode 20: Meeting Edith, and cleaning up

Introducing Edith, who will become an important character over time. Edit was actually one of the first character defined by my daughter, before she decided to tackle this project. I also personally added a little element which will be used in a later chapter

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My life so far, episode 22: Inventory

This is a rather boring episode which feels like a filler, but it provides some information about Julie's parent's company, and it's important for yet unwritten chapters.

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My life so far, episode 23: An evening with Mindy and Edith

Edith and Mindy drops by Julie's and Edith sees a naturist for the first time, while the three girls play on the Wii.

This is a nice episode between the three girls. Edit will take a back seat for some of the story soon, but she will return. She is a main character of the series!

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My life so far, episode 24: A gift

Please excuse the month-long post, but my daughter wanted to revise this one and college got in the way. Not that it's over, but she was taking a pause from studying to revise this one with me. She did make a few changes, so it's good we waited. It's better now.
There are a few more coming that she wants to edit

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