What's happening with Mark and Jenny ?
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Published on 05.02.10 05:40 Age: 15 yrs
Letters : 2860 Words : 517
By: The Administrator
An explanation as to why there are no more articles in the Mark and Jenny series for now.
I began writing the Mark and Jenny series last summer. My personal workload was low and inspiration was good.
Once I reached 12 chapters (including the epilogue), I felt positive that I could maintain a publication schedule of at least 1 new chapter per 2 weeks.
I thus decided to publish the already written series every Monday morning, and to adjust the rate of publication according to the number of article written in the 3 months it took to publish them.
I used to write roughly 2 chapters per week (it took me only 6 weeks to write the 12 chapters), so I felt confident that in 3 months, I would be able to write at least 12 more, buying me more time.
But as you discovered, things didn't work our as planned.
First of all, I got an idea for another story, a kind of naturist thriller story for now called "The desert beach" and thought it would be easy to write since I could visualize the story a lot better than I usually do when I start writing.
I figured I had plenty of time to finish The desert beach and write more Mark and Jenny articles before February 1st. After all, it was back in October.
But I hit a snag. I don't know if I can't write thrillers anymore (it used to be my favorite genre) or if I simply can't write naturist thrillers, but I can't seem to find the proper tone for the story.
I don't want to give spoilers, but if naturists became secluded nude, would they be suddenly ashamed of being nude or would their survival be their first priority ?
And then, while I was still struggling to fix the desert beach, I got a wonderful idea for a new Catherine Reynolds article.
If you followed the page "Stories Progress Report", you know it's almost done. It should be fairly easy to complete and get back on track with Mark and Jenny.
But life happened.
Nothing bad, on the contrary. Since the beginning of December, I have been extremely busy in positive ways. I had written Mark and Jenny during a period of recession due to lack of work, and now, I am personally needed more than ever, over working over 12 hours per day.
This sadly, leaves little time for writing...
But as I look at the stats for January : 4,356 visits and 15,968 page views, our record month, I can't help but feel guilty for the lack of Mark and Jenny updates.
I think it's clear you love this series, and I promise I will get back to it, so stay tuned.
I still have notes on the story, and I have the epilogue to properly guide me in the right direction.
I might only write another 6 to 10 chapters now to avoid delaying you guys further, but I'll try to make it worthwhile for you.
Or perhaps if I can get back in the proper inspiration, I'll succeed in creating a long-term series you will all enjoy reading.
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