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Published on 17.02.10 09:12 Age: 15 yrs
Category: Site News

Letters : 2300 Words : 404

By: The Administrator

Two changes on the website and new stories online

If you are reading this article, this means you might have already noticed that there is a new "Home" button in the main menu. Far from being solely cosmetic, it now allows us to put more pages in the left menu of the home page.

For now, this allows to add the "Progress Report" link on the left. It was necessary because we realized that most visitors directly click on the articles or on their category links on the home page without navigating the site itself, so the "Progress Report" page was mostly ignored.

We also improved the bottom navigation menu when viewing articles. If the article viewed is in a series, a very visible prev and next button will be shown.

This is now a new feature. I has been present on the website for many years, but it was barely invisible because it was located under the "Other articles from this category". Now, it right under the article itself.

Cedar, the author of "The Same Place" sent us his Fanfic novel set in the Bare Pit universe. I hope you willl enjoy it !

Also, the Eden's creek universe was expanded by the addition of 3 new articles, one each day of the week, and there is even a chance that 2 additional articles might be published before the end of the week (the one for tomorrow is already  almost finished and it once again, a KMBS transcript).

If you like the Eden's Creek Universe, I recommend you start rating the articles already published to tell me which ones you like so I can focus on them. Do you even like KMBS transcripts ? Do you prefer the initial letter ? Go ahead, tell me !

Of course, you can e-mail me directly or post comments at the bottom of the articles...

On a better note, during the exchanges with Cedar, I got ideas on how to continue the Desert Beach story. It might actually be published prior to the Catherine Reynolds story !

Please remember this site is non-profit. We do not want donations or ad-revenue. Our only compensation are your comments, e-mails and ratings, so please, use them ! 





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