How Kristen Spent Her Summer Vacation
26 articles/episodes
Our most popular story, written by Nemo, of a new lifeguard who gets assigned to a naturist beach. Published with permission.
Most stories have their own category, but some categories have multiple short stories
Our most popular story, written by Nemo, of a new lifeguard who gets assigned to a naturist beach. Published with permission.
Newest story on the site, co-created by the founder and his now adult daugther. You can find the newest entries at It is a coming of age story of a 12 year girl discovering her family are naturists
Set in the N40 shared universe, a naturist free zone in Costa Rica needs to welcome a least 10 new Berber refugees from Algeria
A blog from 1999 claiming to be the true story of a young woman discovering that her boyfriend is a naturist, and starting to discover the lifestyle. Later revealed to be fiction, and published with permission from the author.
Written by a reader, it is a spin-off from Loxie and Zoot, the nudist comics. Well appreciated by our readers!
Short Stories
Catherine is a widowed criminal defense attorney, who lives at a naturist resort.
Yet another story of a teenage boy discovering his teenage dream girl is a naturist. Inspired by the youth of the founder, but far from auto-biographical
Jacob realizes that his college is clothing optional and decides to enjoy that right while it lasts! Only one episode so far.
Short Stories
This is a series of emails by a man to his colleague, Bob, in which he reveals that his wife is a radical naturist. A friend grows between the two families.
Story of a naturist man who begins seeing a naturist widow, who lives in a naturist building.
In the future, naturism is more popular and a studio executive wants to make a naturist reality show of a textile teacher taking a job as naturist teacher.
Works in Progress
The idea of shares universes is to create a list of naturist friendly settings that authors can reuse to get inspired.
Short Stories
Eden's Creek is a town that lived thanks to its military base. When it closes, a naturist company settled in and makes the whole town clothing optional, but only offer jobs to naturists (who start to move in)
Short Stories
Stories which are not serialized and form a full story in a single episode. Can have sequels.
Meant as articles to present who the founder is.
Site News
Blog Articles about the site, from the founder.