Kristen: Postscript from the Author
Original Notes from the Author of How Kristen spend her summer vacation
Kristen: Postscript from the Author
Feb,23 2006
Well, thats it. My first story. All done.
Not really much of a story, I suppose. Almost a novel, totaling 55,754 words. Printed out from my word processor, its 133 pages, and scarcely anything has happened.
My apologies to everyone Ive bored or annoyed. My thanks to all who have followed the story through thick and thin.
Many thanks to Rowan, whose original idea got me started on this story, and to all those who have posted or e-mailed words of encouragement. I cant tell you how much Ive appreciated those commentsthey are the whole reason Ive sat here for months, staring at this blank screen and pecking out these words.
Of course, this is not the end of Kristens summer, by any means. But its the end of the beginning.
Theres a long summer ahead, and Ill bet theres an interesting story for each and every day. I hope that some other writers might want to tell a story or two from Kristens best summer ever.