
Most stories have their own category, but some categories have multiple short stories

My life so far

25 articles/episodes

Newest story on the site, co-created by the founder and his now adult daugther. You can find the newest entries at It is a coming of age story of a 12 year girl discovering her family are naturists

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The Same Place

18 articles/episodes

Written by a reader, it is a spin-off from Loxie and Zoot, the nudist comics. Well appreciated by our readers!

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Mark and Jenny

14 articles/episodes

Yet another story of a teenage boy discovering his teenage dream girl is a naturist. Inspired by the youth of the founder, but far from auto-biographical

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Jacob in College

1 articles/episodes

Jacob realizes that his college is clothing optional and decides to enjoy that right while it lasts! Only one episode so far.

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Emails to Bob

5 articles/episodes

This is a series of emails by a man to his colleague, Bob, in which he reveals that his wife is a radical naturist. A friend grows between the two families.

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3 articles/episodes

Story of a naturist man who begins seeing a naturist widow, who lives in a naturist building.

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Susanna's World

7 articles/episodes

In the future, naturism is more popular and a studio executive wants to make a naturist reality show of a textile teacher taking a job as naturist teacher.

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Stefany Conners' Naturist Diary

11 articles/episodes

A blog from 1999 claiming to be the true story of a young woman discovering that her boyfriend is a naturist, and starting to discover the lifestyle. Later revealed to be fiction, and published with permission from the author.

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Shared Universes

2 articles/episodes

The idea of shares universes is to create a list of naturist friendly settings that authors can reuse to get inspired.

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Eden's Creek

17 articles/episodes

Eden's Creek is a town that lived thanks to its military base. When it closes, a naturist company settled in and makes the whole town clothing optional, but only offer jobs to naturists (who start to move in)

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20 articles/episodes

Blog Articles about the site, from the founder.

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